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A Mathematical study group in Quantitative Systems Pharmacology in Respiratory Medicine

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting our third mathematical study group in collaboration with the UK Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Network.

We are currently accepting challenges and enquiries from industry and clinicians. Details can be found below.

The study group will bring together 20 – 30 research scientists working in academia (expected minimum PhD candidate level) with expertise in mathematical and computational modelling to work intensively for 5 days on real-world problems from industry and clinical settings. The main goal of the study group is to provide an interface between companies, clinicians and mathematicians to develop mathematical tools to solve the problems presented.

Details of the study groups that BIOREME hosted in Spring 2023 and Spring 2024 (including example challenges, scientific reports and key outcomes) can be found here and here. Further information on the history and benefit of Study Groups can be found in The Institute of Mathematics article “Study Groups with Industry: What is the Value?”.

Where: University of Nottingham

When: 7 April to 11 April 2025

  • BIOREME invite you to submit your real world challenges to be tackled by research scientists with expertise in mathematical modelling. Challenges should be related to respiratory medicine and involve mathematical/ computational modelling.

    Respiratory medicine is broadly interpreted and examples include respiratory infectious diseases, respiratory cancer, respiratory therapeutics, etc.

    A non exhaustitive list of sample areas is found below:

    • Using mechanistic models to investigate disease pathways and discover new drug targets.

    • Optimisation of inhaled drug delivery through computational modelling.

    • Model-informed endpoints and patient stratification for clinical trials.

    • Mapping out the feasibility of in silico trials for a specific treatment.

    Challenge Owners must provide data (or relatively similar synthetic data if confidentiality is an issue) that can be used to address the challenge they set.

    We encourage challenges to be submitted by industry representatives and clinicians/ medical researchers working in respiratory medicine.

    Key Dates

    01/11/24: Challenge submission deadline

    01/11/24 – 22/11/24: Interviews/discussion with challenge submitters

    29/11/24: Selection of challenges by review panel

    29/11/24 – 18/12/24: Revision and refinement of challenges

    02/01/2025: Challenges published online

  • Further details will be available, and registration will open, in Autumn 2024 for participants

13 January

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