Funding calls announced
Our first Fellowship funding call for Early-Career Researchers will open in March. These grants will fund 1-year of salary for a Post-Doctoral researcher to carry out research in one of BIOREME’s priority theme areas. Over the next three years we will fund one Fellowship each year.
The aim of the Fellowship funding is to support ECRs in establishing their own distinct research area. It is directed at PhD graduates from all relevant disciplines who want to branch out and begin to work more independently. It is expected that Fellows will use this 1-year, at least in part, to gather materials that will support larger follow-on grant applications (e.g. fellowship, grant, or collaboration bids). Applicants for the BIOREME Fellowship will therefore have to lay out a clear plan of how they will use those funded 12-months to build towards strong future funding bids. Fellowship activities will vary from applicant to applicant, but may include e.g. preliminary data collection, feasibility studies, model development, collaborative grant writing etc.
March will also see the launch of our Small Collaboration Grants to support researchers from across BIOREME’s remit to connect and collaborate more easily. Applications for this call will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling-basis every quarter. These grants will support travel, accommodation and conference registration fees to facilitate greater interdisciplinary collaboration. This may include e.g. research visits (either as host or visitor) to another institution to work on a collaborative grant application or presenting at a clinical research conference that cannot be covered by your current funding.
Keep an eye on our funding page to stay up to date as more information is made available.