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Dr Rossella Arcucci — Leveraging Multiple Modalities of Healthcare Data for Enhanced Data Learning

We were delighted to by joined by Dr Rossella Arcucci, Imperial College London for this webinar. A recording of the talk and further details are given below:


Dr Rossella Arcucci is Director of Research at the Data Science Institute at Imperial College London. Rossella is a Senior Lecturer in Data Science and Machine Learning at Imperial College London where she leads the “Data Assimilation and Machine Learning (Data Learning) Group” and is elected speaker of the “Artificial Intelligence Network of Excellence”. Her work centres around the development of efficient and accurate Data Learning models and their application to challenges in a range of disciplines including finance. social science, engineering, geosciences and climate science. 

Rossella is also co-investigator on several projects related to environmental health and inhaled pollutants, including the EPSRC-funded “INHALE (Health assessment across biological length scales for personal pollution exposure and its mitigation)” study.

Talk Title: Leveraging Multiple Modalities of Healthcare Data for Enhanced Data Learning

Abstract: Combining datasets from various sources to address data scarcity in medical machine learning models presents a promising solution. However, the complexity of integrating diverse data types and accounting for errors remains a significant challenge. Integrating various types of healthcare data through advanced data learning models can significantly enhance medical machine learning models' performance. While challenges in data integration and error management persist, employing robust pre-processing, feature extraction, and multimodal techniques can lead to improved insights and decision-making in healthcare. This approaches ultimately aims to provide better patient outcomes and support clinicians with data-driven tools.

BIOREME members will receive an email invitation to join the talk via zoom. For non-members please register here.

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