PhD opportunities in lung modelling and imaging
A recent BIOREME-supported grant application has been successfully awarded a Cystic Fibrosis Trust Strategic Research Centre grant. Led by of the Dr Laurie Smith at the University of Sheffield this grant focusses on hyperpolarised gas MR imaging of the lungs of people with Cystic Fibrosis and building image-based computational models. There are currently two PhD posts advertised on this project, please feel free to share with any undergraduates or Master’s students who may be interested
Advanced magnetic resonance imaging methods for imaging the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis (University of Sheffield). We are looking for a PhD student with a strong undergraduate degree in Physics or Engineering with an interest in advanced medical imaging methods. The full advert and instructions to apply can be found here. Deadline 29th September 2023
Realistic simulation of aerosolised drug deposition in the lungs of people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) based on pulmonary magnetic resonance imaging (University of Manchester). We are looking for a student with strong skills in mathematical modelling and a keen interest in medical research. The full advert and instructions to apply can be found here. Deadline 15th October 2023